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July 2024 Newsletter

By Suzy Kuj

Food Crisis – Call to Action!

We have a dire situation in South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation is facing an unprecedented famine crisis. More than half the country is in desperate need of food. In our area of Tonj, 70 of our 85 CHE villages are at risk of starvation. One of the most pressing concerns is that the main harvest is not until October. This extended period without adequate food supplies places immense pressure on already scarce resources. Communities are struggling to make their dwindling food supplies last, leading to increased malnutrition. One mother shared that she was rationing her food and feeding her children one meal every three days. Her greatest burden was watching her children crying from hunger and not giving in to those cries. The scale of the crisis is overwhelming, but despite the challenges, In Deed and Truth Ministries is committed to getting involved and helping in any way we can.

People handing out beans
Food distribution in Tonj

How You Can Help

  1. Donate: Financial contributions are the most effective way to support our relief effort.
  2. Raise Awareness: Spread the word about the famine in South Sudan. Use social media, small groups, and your churches to rally support.
  3. Start your own Fundraiser: Run/walk; auction artwork and crafts; benefit concert; bake sale; cook-off; car wash; garage sale. These are just a few ideas to get you thinking.

Every contribution counts in the fight against this famine. There is enough food in the world that no person should be starving in 2024. Together, we can help the people of Tonj through this crisis so that a family never has to face the horrors of starvation.

For more information and to donate please visit our website.

“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.”

1 John 3:16-18

Fistula Patients!

Since 2021 IDAT has been partnering with the Barbara May Foundation to send ladies for maternal fistula repair. A maternal fistula occurs when a woman has had complications during labor. It is most prevalent in the villages and communities without maternity services. The most common occurrence is when a woman has been laboring for days and is unable to deliver successfully. Not only do they eventually give birth to a stillborn but the damage caused by the delivery leaves the women incontinent and unable to control their bowel or urinary movements. More often than not women are then shamed for this and ostracized from their families and communities. In some cases, women are forced to be locked away from the outside world and only provided one meal a day.

A group of women standing together
Fistula patients return from Juba

Last month, we were pleased to send seven women to have their fistula repaired. One of these women was only 17 years old and had developed a fistula in February after complications during labor in the village. Another had a complete 4th-degree perineal tear 10 years ago that never fully healed. She had been living with pain and leaking ever since. Two months ago she gave birth to twins which resulted in rupturing her tear completely.  We pour the love of Jesus on these women, making it a priority to share the gospel with them and pray for them before they leave for surgery. When they return they are completely transformed, full of hope, ready to become ambassadors to help more women with fistula, and best of all they have returned singing God’s praises for the healing He had brought to their lives!

We thank God for this partnership and invite you to join with us as we pray for these women and the many more who are living with this condition.

Suzy in Southern CA

I’m excited to announce that I will be in San Diego and Orange County at the end of the month, from July 17th to 31st, and would love the opportunity to catch up with you. I look forward to reconnecting and sharing stories of all the amazing things the Lord is doing in South Sudan. I’ll be in Rancho Santa Fe attending the Horizon Church mission weekend on the 27th/28th, look for the In Deed and Truth Ministries table in the courtyard. If you can come it would be wonderful to see you there. If not, let’s make some time to get together and share a coffee or a meal. As our ministry continues to grow I am in need of making new connections. Please pray and see how the Lord might use you to help me with that.

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