Logo In Deed And Truth Ministries


A volunteer and two ladies smile

As part of In Deed and Truth Ministries, you can share in the rewarding work of helping to alleviate suffering and bringing hope. This pioneering ministry has extraordinary potential for growth with the right people serving.  There are three main ways that volunteers can support the work in South Sudan.

  • Vision Trip for Ambassadors:  If you are a financial supporter of IDAT and want to see how we are using your donations as well as learn more about how you can advocate for the ministry on your return, we will coordinate with you for a visit to Tonj.
  • Church Groups: If your church would like to send a group that could provide medical, construction, church ministry, or other support skills, please reach out to trips@indeedandtruth.org and discuss coordinating a project trip.
  • Three month or longer-term service:  If you feel that God is calling you for longer term service with IDAT, please reach out to info@indeedandtruth.org to discuss further. 

Please pray where and how God would have you to serve.
