Logo In Deed And Truth Ministries

Leave a Legacy

A lady volunteer hugging a child

Legacy gifts are a meaningful way to put your faith into action for generations to come. The work of our missionaries and staff has impacts that extends far beyond their lifetimes. By spreading the Gospel and serving the communities of South Sudan, they plant seeds of faith, hope and love that continue to bear fruit for generations to come.  Legacy gifts, also known as planned gifts, provide vital funding for our missionary efforts.  Legacy gifts are donations made by individuals through a will or other formal designation. They are typically prepared with a financial advisor and reflect the values and desires of the donor. Many donors want to leave a legacy or memory of their life through their posthumous giving.

If you are interested in leaving a legacy gift for Indeed and Truth Ministries, we encourage you to consult with your financial advisor or attorney and explore integrating a legacy gift into your long-term plans.
